Colombia in motion 2010 – 2013 – 2016

The changes in the life of households observed through the Colombian Longitudinal Survey (ELCA) by Universidad de los Andes.
November 2017
Colombia in movement 2010-2013-2016 is the third volume of a series that began with the baseline characterization of households in 2010 and that now presents the results of ELCA’s second follow-up round six years later. The data were gathered during the first half of 2016. The country now has a film with three episodes that capture the dynamics of Colombian households.
Chapter 1

Introduction the colombian longitudinal survey by the universidad de los andes (ELCA by its acronym in spanish): a six-year panel study – 2010-2013-2016.
Chapter 2

Early motherhood: an approach that takes into consideration the effect of factors throughout life.
Chapter 4

The incidence of shocks, vulnerability for socioeconomic reasons, and potential effects on the evolution of income and expenditure.
Chapter 8